Collaboration with photographer Edward Hermans
Rehearsal ‘‘Ik zoek jou’’ (Tapastheater), choreography by Alessio Reedijk and Jori Meijer Photo: Daphne Luckers
‘‘There is nothing, but there is something’’ (duet by Sherise and Gianine Strang), live vocals (song ‘‘Stay) during Café Theater Festival, Utrecht Photo: Rikkert Wijrdeman
On the set of ''Love sick'', directed by Tara Fallaux Photo: Tara Fallaux
Rehearsal ‘‘(UN)DRESSED’’ , choreography by Katherien Broug Photo: Matthew Berger
‘‘Transcendence’’, choreography by Jori Meijer - with Mayke van Veldhuizen & Yara van Fraeijenhove Photo: Leon Meijer
On the set of ‘‘Love Sick’’, directed by Tara Fallaux Photo:Tara Fallaux
''A flood remains'', choreography by Emma Evelein Photo: Edward Hermans
‘‘Music in Motion trio’’ at De Drie Graefjes - with Marnix Lenselink & Quincy Ignacia Photo: Leon Meijer
‘‘SAIL performance’’ - with Katherien Broug Photo: Matthew Berger
On the set of ‘‘Pulling on the rope’’, choreography by Jori - with Mayke van Veldhuizen Photo: Martijn de Clercq
On the set of ‘‘Who will love you’’, choreography by Jori - with Revé Terborg, Roedolf Doelasan, Quincy Ignacia, Feadan McCall & Liam McCall Photo: Martijn de Clercq
‘‘Transcendence’’, choreography by Jori - with Yara van Fraeijenhove Photo: Leon Meijer
Cover of ‘‘Mmm’’, with Jori Meijer & Quincy Ignacia Photo: Eddie de Bie
‘‘Nietzsche’’ (1st year JMD), choreography by Gerleen Balstra Photo: Eddie de Bie
‘‘R.E.M.’’ (2nd year JMD), choreography by Tom van Wee, Thomas Walschot & Jori Meijer Photo: Eddie de Bie
‘‘What is fashion?!’’ performance 2016 - with Katherien Broug Photo: Leon Meijer
‘‘Watt? Food for thought’’ (3d year JMD), choreography by Emma Wijbenga, Emma Evelein & Jori Meijer Photo: Eddie de Bie